Wednesday, July 25, 2007

One Year of Blogging

Wow time flies.  
It's been exactly 1 year to the date that I decided to start this blog.  My main motivation in starting this blog was to challenge myself physically, artistically, and mentally.  I originally set a goal of posting at least once a week, and I can now see that I failed miserably :(

Little did I know how difficult this would be when I started out.  I wish I could just jot something down right away and click "publish post", but the ideas don't seem to flow from brain to fingers very fast, and it's soo much easier to plop down on the couch in front of the TV with a beer in hand.  I guess the fact that I have a full-time day job and a plethora of hobbies doesn't help out much either.  Although, anyone that knows me knows that one of my favorites sayings is "Excuses are like assholes.....everyones got 'em....and they STINK!!!"  So I suppose I need a good dose of my own medicine.  I did manage to post at least once each month and somehow I managed to scrounge up 36 posts in the last year (counting this one). Thats a C average!!! Well.....I guess that isn't exactly something to write home about is it?

Probably the coolest thing about a blog is that as time transpires, you have a mini written history of events.  It's discouraging starting out, but when you look back after a year you realize, HOLY CRAP I wrote all that??!!  Kinda makes all the hard work worth it in the end, even if no one else reads it.  It's definitely given me a new appreciation for authors and all they go through when writing a novel.  

It's also going to be interesting to see how this medium changes over the years.  Journals that used to only consist of pen and paper now have limitless potential with the advent of the internet, digital photography, and modern technology.  I just hope there's a way to archive all this information for safe keeping.  The scary thing about the internet and computers is that if we somehow ran out of electricity our entire modern historical record would vanish. At least the Egyptians were smart enough to build pyramids and carve things into stone. What the heck is gonna happen to us?  People will be digging for fossils and all they'll find is a bunch of metal computer scrap and CRT monitors.  Hopefully that'll be way past my time, so I'll leave it to the politicians to debate for now ;)

Well, for those of you who have joined me on this journey I hope you stick around.  I plan to continue this blog especially now that I have a goal for next year....36 posts!  There's a TON of stuff I didn't have time to post about over the last year and lord knows there's an equally large TON of stuff coming up in the future.  Stay tuned for more happenings in my mediocre life. I'll do my best to keep it exciting (for both of us!!!)


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