Monday, January 15, 2007

MacWorld 2007

Last Friday I attended MacWorld 2007. One of the perks of working for Apple is the ability to get into these events free of charge. This was my first experience at a MacWorld and honestly I was blown away at the number of people and vendors in attendance. Pretty much any company that has anything to do with computers or electronics was there. It truly is a week long conference devoted to Apple products and 3rd party innovations. People were hawking everything from iPod covers to professional DSLR's. It is amazing to see how many companies structure their businesses around Apple. If it wasn't for Apple many of these companies wouldn't have anything to sell.

Not your typical Apple Computer.

Just when you thought they had covered all the bases...

The largest iPod dock I've seen in my entire life.

It's pretty sweet that a lot of DJ's now do their mixing digitally with Apple Computers.

The real star of this show however is the newly intoduced iPhone. This is hands down the most revolutionary phone ever produced. I had the privledge of working on this product when it was still a "hush hush" secret. It was very interesting reading what all the rumor sites were saying about it when they didn't even have a clue. I think it's a great product and Wall Street responded accordingly after it's introduction. Yeah there are a few area's for improvement, but for a first run, this phone blows the competition out of the water.

Here are some close ups I was able to nab amidst the hoards of people waiting to grab a sneak peak. There were two on display behind inch thick plexiglass and security guards standing by ready to deliver beat downs to anyone crazy enough to try steal it. I can't wait to get my hands on one!


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